Misc 001
You ever heard of Quantum physics?
Yes, I don't know what they are?
Would you like to? Sure.
For a long time, the way that we understood the world was governed by what is called Classical physics.
You know what that is? Kind of.
It is a basic way of measuring and predicting things.
Then along came people, people like Albert Einstein, have heard of him?
He started looking into really small things, like atoms, subatomic particles, waveforms.
And it began to look like Classical physics didn't apply anymore, which is mysterious.
It's not predictable in ways we currently understand.
For example, the same thing can be in two different states at the same time.
you could have a particle the exact same particle
There is a world in which that particle is black and a world in which that particle is white.
And there is a kind of point of liminal space between those worlds where the particle is black and white at the same time.
And they don't seem to want to decide which state they'll be until someone looks at them.
That's nuts. Well, that's nuts but it's real.