Person of interest S01E01
When you find that one person who connects you to the world
you become someone different. Someone better.
When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?
Where'd you get that in a cereal box?
Huh? You wanna see a real gun?
Every little punk is carrying now, Anton.
That's why your father wanted us to take the car home.
We're picking up new hardware next week. Restore a little order.
Besides, when we take the car, we don't get to meet new friends.
Look at this guy.
You didn't bring enough for the whole group.
I have to teach you about sharing.
I'll need a statement from the bum.
What hospital did they take him to?
He declined treatment.
We got video on it, though.
You know, you could have done me a favor and let those guys land a couple more punches.
Question for you.
Looking at that tape, I'd say you spent some time in the service.
But you don't learn how to fight like that in the regular army.
So what were you, special forces? Delta?
I'm Carter. You didn't give us a name.
You know, it's funny. Best parts of your life, you don't need a name.
Seems like the only time you need a name is when you're in trouble.
So am I in trouble?
I don't know, you tell me.
You're the one living on the street.
Yeah, making that transition back can be tough.
Some guys I knew got a little lost,
needed a little help adjusting.
You need some help?
Of course, some other guys I knew, they'd done so many evil things
they felt like they needed the punishment.
That sound more like your story?
Excuse me for a second.
I'm here for my client.
Your guy's prints were found in half a dozen crime scenes over the years.
Open warrants in four different countries
Who you got down there, Carter. the angel of death?
I appreciate the help, counselor
But who's picking up... the tab
Our employer wants to have a word with you.
Do I owe you money?
Cause I'm, uh... Running a little short at the moment.
You don't owe me anything, Mr. Reese.
That's the name you prefer, isn't it?
I know you've had several.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anybody about you.
You don't know anything about me.
I know exactly everything about you, Mr. Reese.
I know about the work you used to do for the government.
I know about the doubts you came to have about that work
I know that the government, along with everybody else, thinks you're dead.
I know you've spent the last couple of months trying to drink yourself to death.
I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it
So you see, knowledge is not my problem.
Doing something with that knowledge... That's where you'd come in.
Who send you? Nobody send me.
you can call me Mr. Finch.
I think you and I can help one another.
I don't think you need a psychiatrist or a support group, or pills.
What do I need? You need a purpose.
More specifically, you need a job.
Eight million people, You know what they all have in common?
None of them knows what happens next.
Someone is murdered in New York City every 18 hours.
At the end of the day, one of these people will be gone.
Bad things happen to people every day.
You can't stop that. What if you could?
Not the things that happen in the heat of the moment. But so many crimes are planned days, weeks in advance.
What if you could stop those?
Let me guess. you're a psychic.
No psychic, no magic
then I realised I was living in the information age.
This is a shocking disappointed to the unfeel I realised how revolution era it was.
All of us are living a trial of information in our way
most of these are useless.
But something hidden in all that mass they ouline the things to come
right person in the right place with the right information will change everything.
This is the problem I have Mr, Reese.
I've got a list.
A list of people who are about to be involved in very bad situations.
murders, kidnapping
Where did you get this list.
I can't tell you. You have to trust me.
The people that are on my list, they have no idea that anything's about to happen to them.
most of them are just ordinary people.
Like who? Like her.
Her name is Dian Hansen.
In this week, she's in the top of my list.
You think something bad is going to happen involving her.
It's not that simple.
I don't know exactly what's going to happen or what her role in it is.
She might be the victim. She could be the perpetrator.
All I know is that she's involved.
I want you to follow her, figure out what's gonna heppen.
Stop it from happening.
What not call the police?
If anybody knew I had this list, problem added.
You would name your own salary
expenses whatever you need.
So, what do you think.
I think you're a bored rich guy
I think that woman's probably your ex-wife or someone you rode in an elevator with once. And either way, I think I'm done.
Tonight police are looking for a homeless man for further questioning
The unidentified man was originally believed to be the victim of a violent assault on the subway.
But now police consider the man a person of interest in a number of crimes nationwide.
Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong. Jess, what's wrong.
You need to understand, Mr. Reese, the information I have is incomplete, but it's never wrong
You need to know what it would be like to be forced to listen to someone get murdered and not be able to do anything about it
Too late. This recording is three years old
A woman murdered in this room by her husband, for the insurance.
You were too late for her
Just like you were too late for your friend Jessica
You were halfway around the world when she was killed.
What the hell do you know about it?
It's the truth. You left the government because they lied to you. I never will.
I guess you could call me a concerned third party.
You couldn't have saved this woman Or your friend.
But you could have if you had have known in time.
And that's the other thing I'm offering you
a chance to be there in time.
It's not too late for her
You could help me stop what's about to happen.
The question is, will you?
Dian Hansen, grew up in Detroit. move to the city after high school. It's single.
She have any enemies? One or two.
what is this place.
The decline of Western civilization
The city closed half its libraries. Budget cuts.
This building was sold to a bank that I controlled
which promptly declared bankruptcy.
So the property's in a kind of limbo.
It doesn't exist. Neither do you.
I did a little digging
I recognize, Mr. Reese, that there's a disparity between how much
I know about you and how much you know about me
I know you'll be trying to close that gap as quickly as possible
But I should tell you I'm a really private person
What did you find out about miss Hansen.